Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Saying Good-bye

Today is the sad day that prefaces the very sad day, tomorrow, when I have to say good-bye to Rick, Charlie and Andrew. And, I won't be saying good-bye for a week or even two weeks, but rather anywhere between 17 and 23 days. My heart is burdened as I prepare to say good-bye. Please pray for me.

Also, today Charlie made an analogy to his new life that astounded me. He asked Rick and me, "Why do I now have to be your whipping boy?" If you know anything about fifteenth century England, you know about whipping boys. Unfortunately, Charlie's analogy rings partially true in our new life. Bohdan often does things to Charlie that should elicit punishment, but instead of punishing Bohdan (which we indubitably would do with either Charlie or Andrew), we have been trying to deal with him in love and understanding (as instructed by all of the adoption books I read before we came). Charlie, in his own understanding, takes this to mean he is bearing the punishment when Bohdan hits him, yells at him, etc. He is right. However, Jesus was the ultimate Whipping Boy, and are we not to follow His example? This will be a lesson in humility, sacrifice and depth-of-love for all of us. Please pray for all four boys and their relationship.

Our hope and prayer now is that the Lord would grant Rick, Charlie and Andrew safe passage to America, and that he would allow the rest of us to return July 30th. Thank you for supporting us in prayer, love and support.


  1. a hard day. so glad your mum is on her way to you.

  2. Erica,
    I don't know you but Christy Jaski had shared your blog with me. I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. I pray for a smooth transition and some good bonding time with the boys over the next few weeks. I also pray for the time to fly by...if you are anything like me I know you can't wait to get back to your own bed. Bless you and your family and know that you are being lifted in prayer back in Wilmington...
    Jennifer DelaCourt

  3. Thanks, Jennifer. We really appreciate your prayers and support! Perhaps we'll meet when I arrive back in America! : )


  4. Yes, Fiona. I'm glad my "mum" is on her way! ; )
