Friday, July 16, 2010

Hard Day

This has certainly been an odd and emotional day to say the least. This morning, after a nice breakfast of pastries and tea at a local patisserie, Bohdan told me he did not want to go to America. After much conversation between Taras, Bohdan and I, he was insistent that he does not want to go. I think this was a test, because I have a child who tests me often already, so I am very familiar with being tested and having to stand firm, and I am 80% confident that was his motive. I asked him if he wanted to go back to Nikolai (the orphanage director) and he said "yes". So, I made a few phone calls, we drove for 1 1/2 hours and I left him at the orphanage with Nikolai. He will be there at least 5 days. Nikolai is having him to hard labor for those 5 days (the orphanage is on a farm, and so there is a LOT of manual labor to be done, and it is VERY hot here right now). According to our facilitator, it is Nikolai's plan to ask Bohdan, "Do you want to go to America where you can go to a University and earn your degree and work in an office, or do you want to stay in Ukraine where you will do labor like this for the rest of your life? It is your choice." Obviously, he is also going to talk to him about family and why it is best to have a family to support and love you. But, he knows Bohdan best, and he thinks the hard labor will make a strong point with him. I have no idea what is going to happen, but I am honestly not very worried.

Taras is adamant that he IS coming to America and he keeps telling me Bohdan is crazy/stupid. The fact that Taras is so adament and was so upset with Bohdan today definitely put me more at ease with the situation. Now I am just praying that God will guide Bohdan according to His will. I want what God wants, whatever that is. Please pray for Taras during these 5 days with just my Mom and I (kind of boring for an almost-14-year-old boy). We already decided to see a Ukrainian museum tomorrow that covers the history of Ukraine starting from 3,000 B.C. That should be fun. So, in three days, I have gone from 4 kids in the apartment to just one. Kind of weird and quiet.

Thank you God for giving me peace in the midst of turmoil. Please give Taras that same peace, and help us to have a fun and happy 5 days of bonding together. The good news is, Taras is going to learn English especially quickly now!

Love to all, and as always, thank you for your prayers...


  1. Praying for your strength right now! God has been so good to provide all that you need thus far. He is faithful to see you through this. Hang in there! Say hi to your Mom.. Much love to all of you, Debbie

  2. Hang in there Erica! We are all still praying. What a growing time for sure! But He chose you because He knew you could handle this with His help and guidance. Still praying for your boys back here as well.

  3. It is a very good choice.Have fun with Тарас.

